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A resource library designed to help you better understand speech and language development better so you can support your little one at home

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Play: A Vehicle for Literacy

Play and Literacy Play and literacy go hand in hand.  According to play expert and professor Sarah Smilanky, “Problem solving in most school subjects requires a great deal of make-believe, visualizing how Eskimos live, reading stories, imaging a story, writing it down, solving an arithmetic problem, and determining what will come next. History, geography, and […]

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I’m Brooke
I'm a speech therapist specializing in early language, but more importantly, I'm a mom of a toddler who has been on her own journey with physical and occupational therapy
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child playing with toy farm

  A farm of my favorite toys to use in speech therapy! Here are some ways you can use a farm to work on talking with your toddler at home:   Imitation: Imitation is the first step on the road to using words. We can encourage imitation by modeling animal sounds. Not only is it […]

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